Erosion contributes to degradation of our water quality and water quantity in several ways.
Removing the plant cover over an area causes erosion and, therefore, a disruption in the water cycle. Plants aid in the infiltration of rainwater, and, through their leaves, release water back into the atmosphere by evaporation. Plants also hold the soil and nutrients in place — all of which is carried away in stormwater runoff when the plant cover is removed. The resulting sedimentation in our water bodies can impair drainage, increase flooding severity, and, along with the excess nutrients, degrades aquatic habitat and water quality and quantity.
Erosion is very costly to everybody and we all need to take measures to control it whenever we can. This can be done by maintaining plant cover, and, in the case of construction sites, the use of mulch, straw bales and silt fences will help prevent erosion caused problems.
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